3 More Summertime Tips to Help Teachers Re-charge

Recently, we saw how important it is for teachers to re-charge during the summer. We also discovered a handful of excellent ideas to make it happen. Well, today, your friends at Writing with Design are bringing you 3 more tips to de-stress, refocus, and energize during the break. And best of all, they’re perfect for teachers!  

Run a movie marathon with your friends

Probably one of the best ways to just “veg out” is to enjoy a film or two. Whether you invite your friends over, fellow teachers, family, or just someone special, this one is a fool-proof way to relax a bit.

Explore sites like Instructables

And when you’re done binge watching your favorite films or TV shows, this one provides an educational way to de-stress. Sites like Instructables allow you to explore your own creativity in a fun way. Plus, you might even find ideas for your class for next school year.

Stay away from your screen

Today, it’s easy to get glued to a screen for a large portion of the day. Constant updates from social media, frequent text messages, and plenty more. It might sound crazy, but try turning your phone off for a day or even a whole weekend to allow yourself to step back and re-focus.

If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out our other 5 tips to make your summer totally relaxing!