5 Tips to Re-Charge During Your Summer, Just for Teachers

It’s not just the students! Now that summertime is here, educators are welcoming plenty of much-needed relaxation. Even though many of us may have additional obligations, it’s especially important to de-stress, refocus, and energize. And because the Writing with Design team is with you every step of the way, we have 8 tips to help you do just that during your teacher summer. 😊

Celebrate your “wins”

Whether you’re a new teacher or a seasoned veteran, you’ll find that each school year has its own special “wins,” those successes that made you feel completely on top of the world. Celebrate them! You’ve faced obstacles, changed lives, and finished this school year. And you’re awesome for it!

Take time to daydream

As educators, we’re often juggling many, many multiple things during our day. Sometimes, we can forget to enjoy just daydreaming and allowing our minds to wander. But it’s healthy for your brain to do so!

Enjoy your favorite meal during a night out

Equally true, we have a habit of munching on granola bars and other less than adequate food during our teaching week. Taking time out to savor our favorite meal at a good restaurant can be a fine way to de-stress and re-charge.

Find a weekend to get lost in a new book

As educators, we’re also learners. And nothing can be more relaxing than diving into a new book and just letting a weekend slip by while sitting in a cozy spot.  

Connect to the digital education community

Even though it’s summer, the education community on Twitter and Facebook is still fired up! And now is the perfect time to connect to fellow educators throughout the country for talk on your favorite subjects. There’s #2ndaryELA chat, #edtechchat #ntchat. You name it, and there’s probably an education chat for it. This allows you to sit back and just… chat! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Have a special way that you like to de-stress during summer? We’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment and share!