If Each of Your Students is a Book, Why Start in the Middle?

Let’s be honest… as a teacher, you’re probably called upon to manage an unimaginable number of tasks, ideas, and even--- yes, even people. And this is just during any given week; we’re not talking about the “Big Days Where You Have to Make Everything Happen.”

But in the midst of that challenging schedule, there’s something else taking place.

A story.

Yes, that’s right, there’s a story. In fact, there’s numerous stories happening every day in your classroom and your school.

Think about it: there’s the story of your classroom; there’s the story of your school; and there’s the story of each individual student that you meet. Every one of these stories is filled with adventures, challenges, personal growth, evolving perspective, and heroes.

If we wouldn’t start a book right in the middle, why be content to start these stories in the middle of everything?

By asking questions and seeking out connections, we’re doing something more than just getting to know someone… as teachers, we’re also hearing those stories in their amazing fullness.

In turn, we’re able to weave them together in a meaningful way… and to make all that crazy schedule worth every single second.